Earlier this week I broke DragonHunters into two parts:
Part 1: "A Gathering of Hunters"
Part 2: "The Battle of Conborine"
As you know, (if you have been following this blog), The DragonHawk Saga is the story of the Hawkes Family, DragonHawks and the leaders of the Tycho Star Traders, as they prepare for the fulfillment of a ten thousand season (year) old prophecy, the Return of the Great Dragon.
In Dragon Hunters, A Gathering of Hunters, the Dragon Hunters gather at the Gaanard Trade Station for the first attack against the Drakkon of Tycho. Makala Hawkes is the StarHawke Tycho, the Elder of the Tycho Star Traders and their fierce Hawkkur Legion, struggles to convince the Star Trader Council of Elders of the danger looming before the Trade. The Royal Repubics of the InWorlds are embroiled in a growing war that threatens to engulf the Trade, despite their declared neutrality. But the Families do not want to listen to the StarHawke Tycho. The war means record profits for all.
In DragonHunters, The Battle of Conborine, an ambitious construction project by the Tolen and Blom Families sets the scene for the first battle between Drakkon and Rahhol since the DragonHawk War, some ten thousand seasons ago.
It's been slow getting started, but it's been a busy week. (Two 400+ pages training guides at my day job! But that's another story!) But now it's Saturday, and after a variety of chores and tasks, it's time to get down to some serious writing.
That's just a taste of what I am working on right now. I'll try to keep you posted as I go along.
As always...
Thanks for reading!