Well, it's Friday, the start of the second weekend of July. If you have been following the progress of Dragon Hunters, you are probably expecting me to be announcing that the story is finished and posted.
Unfortunately, that is not the case. Last weekend I had the opportunity to work uninterrupted for the entire weekend. I averaged about 18 hours per day from Friday through early Monday morning. I didn't finish my editing like I wanted. But I did achieve a massive case of burnout.
Monday meant making a quick jump via Transit Space from the Star Trader Galaxy to Reality, returning to the work that pays the bills. A tough, challenging week that left me with little time to write.
Which brings me to today. Err, tonight. Almost tomorrow. I'm about two-thirds of the way through the manuscript, with about one hundred and twenty pages to go. I hope to be down closer to one hundred before I quit tonight or early in the morning.
So, just like the Tycho Drakkon and the Hawkkur Legion, I march on towards that magical day when the Great Dragon returns to the Star Folk. In the meantime, I promise to bring you the first installment of this great adventure that I am on. Just as soon as Big Boy and I can. As always,
Thanks for reading!