Hi there!
Welcome to Cats &
Dragons, my blog about my writing, my cats, and the DragonHawk saga. I haven’t
posted anything for a while, so I thought it was time to bring everyone up to
If you go to my websites,
you’ll discover that Dragon Betrayal has been finished and is available at the
usual e-book sites. If you can’t find it, let me know. My books are available
on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and Apple, so you shouldn’t have any problems
finding Dragon Hunter, Dragon Heart, and Dragon Betrayal. In the meantime, I am working on Book Four, Dragon Revenge. There’s a lot
exciting things going on in the Star Trader Galaxy, so get busy reading!
If you’ve been reading my blog for some time now, then you know about Big Boy
and Baby Girl. You know Big Boy passed in June of 2016. Since then Baby Girl
has decided that I would be his surrogate. She will climb up onto my chest and
try to groom me. Some time she just makes herself comfortable and takes a
nap. I don’t know how old she is, but I think she’s fourteen or fifteen. She’s
slowing down these days, hardly doing anything other than sleep. She'll go outside and lay on the front porch or in her favorite spot in the flowerbeds, but she doesn't stay out too long.
Unless I forget to go check on her, which happens some times.
When I'm writing, she likes to curl up close to the mouse, or on top of my hand. She'll adjust her position, moving the mouse and my hand in the process. I usually move the keyboard and mouse a bit to the left, but she'll move over again to get closer. Sometimes, she'll lay down on top of the mouse, with her head on the right edge of the keyboard or the number pad. It's not uncommon to find a line or two of nothing but the "+" key, where she'd been laying down on the number pad. Always a challenge to my writing coherently.
Just another of the many challenges of 2018
I've been looking for a job without success since November of 2017. I had a few in-person interviews, and a bunch of phone interviews, but no success. In June, when I turned 65 and signed up for Medicare, we started looking at going on Social Security. Late June, my Primary Care Doctor suspected I had Parkinson's Disease. In July I visited a Neurologist, who ordered a bunch of tests, which confirmed the Diagnosis. One of the tests was an MRI of my brain, which revealed that I had experienced a stroke some time in the past couple of years. And that some of the plumbing up there in the old pumpkin may need some work. Right now I'm waiting to take another test that is supposed to determine if I need a shunt installed.
And then, out of the blue, I got a job offer!
So, while the Neurologists and Neurosurgeons ponder what to do with my melon, I've had to decline the offer until I find out what's going on. If I can, I want to take the job. Not only the money, but I'd like a chance to find out if I can still write about chemical plants and such.
Nothing to do about it, but to wait and see.
I've made a promise to myself to write a blog post every week. I hope I can keep that promise. In the meantime, I've got Cats & Dragons to write about.
Thanks for reading!