Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Back up 10 yards and punt!


Thank goodness for track changes.

Last night, as I was whacking away at Dragon Hunters, I suddenly realized that I was screwing up. I was deleting way too much! And I haven't saved a final version before editing.

So, this evening, I used Track Changes in MS Word to reject all of the changes that I have made so far, since I started editing about a month ago.

Means I have to start over, but that's okay. I'll wait until the weekend when I am rested and in a better frame of mind.

Maybe I'll work on Gateway Station for a while.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, October 8, 2012

Okay, so what about Gateway Station?

So, if you've been following my meandering posts, you know that I have been talking about the ten stories that comprise the DragonHawk Saga. And if you look to the right, you will see the names of those stories. But no where on that list is a story named Gateway Station.

So where did that come from?

Gateway Station is the origin of the DragonHawk Saga. It started as an idea back in the late 70s, morphed into a few other ideas, cruised along in the back of mind for a while, until bits and piece started flowing... well, maybe dribbling... onto the paper. When I decided I was finish, there were 1159 pages and 328,000 or so, words!

Anyone want to read a really long story with lots of action? Along with some quirky twists and turns...

Meanwhile back at the ranch, if I want to try and publish this monster, I need to give it a haircut and put it on a diet... Come up with something in the 80K to 100K range...

Anyway, maybe I'll post some stuff on the blog about Gateway Station.

Oh, by the way. It starts at the end of Dragon Betrayal, jumps to Dragon Summer and runs through Dragon Return, Dragon Trap, and Dragon Rising.. So, its right up there in the middle somewhere.

No wonder its so damn big!

Thanks for Reading!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Status of the Nav Comp...

Well, it's been a busy weekend. While the RAMS work on the Primary Drive, I've been working on the Navigation Computer...

Well, what I've been doing is working on some of the background information that supports the DragonHawk Saga. I've been writing plots, themes, and story descriptions for all ten of the stories in the DragonHawk Saga. I've made it through the first seven stories so far. You can read the story descriptions via the links to the right to additional pages I have added to the blog.

The last three, actually the last four, 7 through 10, have the least information developed about them, so they make take some time to get posted. While I am working on those, I may work on the Master Timeline, which consists of chapter descriptions of each book. A lot of work to do.

I've decided that I'm not going to give up on Dragon Hunters. I've got some thinking to do about reorganizing. And I want to keep working on the edit and streamline. It's still more than 143,000, which is too big. There's at least two more chapters that I can cut and leave in background. Maybe I'll take them out and see how things look.

Anxious to hear your thoughts and comments! And as always,

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Blog Overhaul

I've been busy tonight, overhauling the blog. Long overdue activity.

To follow up on an earlier post, this is part of my recovery action. Taking time to work out some details and actually describe what the stories are all about.

Anyway, its a start. I really need full blown website, but I'm not sure what that is going to cost.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, October 5, 2012

From Dragon Hunters

“Good afternoon, Captain!” The StarHawke Tycho called out as he and Elias walked up to the the officer standing in front to greet them. “Your troops are looking sharp today.”

“Thank you, m’lord,” Captain Elias Hawtrey replied, bowing his head while bringing his right arm up in the traditional Hawkkur salute.“The shuttle Tycho Hawk is standing by. We can depart as soon as you are ready.”

“Very well Captain,” Makala began as his Dragon Within suddenly growled a warning. He turned to glance up at the VIP lounge overhead, Elias following his movement as Procyon roared.

With a roar, a section of the VIP lounge wall exploded, sending debris falling to the Diplomatic Dock. The blast wave knocked the StarHawke Tycho and many of the Family Guard to the deck where they were covered in smoke, dust, and debris. Procyon roared a warning as Elias looked up to see a large chunk of plascreet falling directly towards him. He started to move but before he could react, he is knocked to the deck as his Dragon Within roared in anger.
Thanks for reading!

Navigational Errors?

Uh-oh, my Primary Drive has cut out and the Nav Comp has failed. I've just dropped out of Transit Space and I have no clue where I am...

That's how I feel today. Not sure where I am or what I am doing.

I met earlier this week with a couple of writer friends of mine to talk about Dragon Hunters and where I should go from here. After digesting their thoughts, I'm not sure I am on the write, err... right course.

You see, a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (With full respect and credit to George Lucas) I started writing this story I called Stargate. When the Sci-Fi series of the same name came out, I changed the name to Gateway Station. It was this adventure story about a young orphan boy who struggles against the authorities to find his family. He is in a small, isolated orphanage for "special children" who just don't seem to fit in. Morgan's problem is that he hears voices in his head which cause him to act and do strange things. The voice in Morgan's head is the voice of a Dragon...

So how did our young DragonHawk find himself abandoned on this isolated planet and in an orphanage?

Well, that was the premise that started The DragonHawk Saga. A few years ago, I decided to back up and start the series over, starting with the Republics War, the freedom of the OutWorld Colonies, and the return of the Dragon Hunters as a background to the romance and marriage of Morgan's parents, Elias Hawkes and Annie Tolen. From there, the first three stories would lead up to the events that caused young Morgan to end up in an orphanage on a strange, isolated planet away from the tumultuous Star Trader Galaxy.

In the current timeline, Gateway Station would be books 5, 6, and 7 of the DragonHawk Saga, Dragon Summer, Dragon Return, and Dragon Trap. As well as parts of book 8 Dragon Rising.

Anyway, I digress. The consensu of our lunch discussion was that perhaps, I should publish Gatway Station e.g. Dragon Summer first, and save the prequels for the future. After all that's what Mr. Lucas did with Star Wars. And what Mr. Herbert did with Dune (One of my all time favorites!!).

More recently, one of my favorite authors, Kim Harrison, in her kick butt stories starring Rachel Morgan as the bounty hunting witch in post tomato apolcolypic Cincinatti, followed that format as well. Now ten books into Rachel's story, she's back tracked and done some prequel stuff.

That's depressing. I have the past four years invested in Tycho Station (Dragon Betrayal), Dragon Hunters, and Dragon Heart. Not to mention all of the backstory, timelines, etc.

That's what kicked me out of Transit Space, this idea that I might be on the wrong course. Not sure what will happen in the future, but while the RAMS (Robotic Autonomous Maintenance Systems) repair the Nav Comp and the Pri Drive, I'll concentrate on reading and editing Dragon Hunters. If I do end up leaving it for a while, I'm not going to abandon it. I'll make sure it's ready to go before I move on.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, October 1, 2012


So, Dragon Hunters is finished.

Hmmm. Maybe some editing and tweaking and a reread...

So, what's next?

I can't stop writing. I have some momentum going. Time to move on to the next story:

Dragon Heart

I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for reading.


Dragon Hunters Draws to a Close...

Well, it's been a very productive couple of weekends. After a lot of long weekends and nights of writing, Dragon Hunters is finished.

Well, almost. I'm writing the Prologue right now, tying up some loose ends.

Time to talk about getting some serious editing done. And looking towards publishing.

Kinda scary. I'm not very good with marketing. But my wife Cindy is. Gonna have to depend on her to help me make good decisions.

Should have the Prologue finished by Friday. Then we'll see what happens next...

Thanks for reading!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...