I found this digging through some old files and notes. Thought I would scan and share. Stargate Cove became Gateway Station became Tycho Station became the DragonHawk Saga. The date is August 25, 1985, but I had been writing for some time before I got this organizer and tried to figure out how to use it.

Stray notes in small pocket-sized notebooks, 3x5 file cards in a shirt pocket, spiral notebooks. A TI 99-4A Computer with cassettes, then 5-1/4 inch floppy disks. 1 chapter per 360k disk. 3-1/2 inch disks when I moved to a MS-Dos machine in 1990, I believe.
The current version of the DragonHawk Saga occupies 794 MB of disk space on my computer...
Thanks for reading!
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