Sunday, April 28, 2019

It's Sunday Morning and I'm Staring at the Screens

Good Morning,

It's Sunday Morning and I'm staring at the screens, trying to figure out what to write. I rushed my Tychos into a battle. Now I'm trying to figure out how to extract them. What was the goal of mission? Why did they lash out and strike this planet? Who's next? And what's going to happen when the rest of the Star Trader Galaxy finds out what they are up to.

On the cancer front, the docs have stopped the chemo for now. The chemo was attacking my kidneys. At the same time it was not being as effective as they thought. So I'm struggling to build up my strength, immunity and all that for May 22, when I will have surgery to scrape and remove my left pleural lining and rebuild part of my diaphragm. It's a six hour surgery and I'll probably be in the hospital for a couple of weeks to recover. And I'll have a wicked scar along my left side.

I wonder how much weight I'll lose during this process. Twenty pounds or so would be nice.

Meanwhile, I think I've figured out what to do. May have to do a bit of editing and rewriting.

So, as always, thanks for reading!


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