So Baby Girl quietly hopped down and eased her way across the entry, heading for the formal dining room. She got about halfway across the entry before Nawla saw that Baby Girl was down at her level. So, with ball in mouth, she hopped up and headed for the cat.
Baby Girl stopped and turned sideways, facing Nawla and arching her back.
Nawla stopped in her tracks, ball in her mouth and stared at the cat. She has already found what happens when you get too close to Big Boy or Baby Girl. They don't run. They turn and get ready to do battle.
So Nawla stopped and thought about it for a few minutes.
Then she dropped the ball and let it roll over towards Baby Girl.
The ball rolled over until it was about three inches from Baby Girl.
Baby Girl looked at the ball.
The arch in her back eased.
Nawla flopped down on her belly paws spread, tail wagging.
Baby Girl looked at Nawla.
Nawla looked at Baby Girl.
Baby Girl looked at Nawla.
Nawla looked at the ball.
I heard strange music in the background. Waa - aah!
Like the soundtrack for The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly...
Baby Girl looked at Nawla.
Nawla looked at Baby Girl.
This went on for about five minutes. Long enough for me to get the camera and take a couple of pictures.
Finally Nawla got bored and when looking for her Frisbee.
Baby Girl disappeared into the formal dining room, one of her favorite hiding places.
And I got back to writing.
That's awesome, nice one.