Sunday, December 17, 2017

2017: Good Bye and Good Riddance!

The end of 2017 is rapidly approaching. I for one, am ready for this year to end.

This year has been a challenge to write a quality story in Dragon Betrayal. At one point it was a Frankenstein hodgepodge of ideas, themes, and seemingly unconnected events. I struggled to put the story together. But I did finish Dragon Betrayal and its out there at your favorite e-book store for your reading enjoyment.

As much as I want to jump right into Book Four of the DragonHawk Saga, Dragon Revenge, I'm going to take a break. I've got a priority project to deal with right now.

Finding a new day job to support my writing.

I really wasn't surprised when I was laid off from my day job. I'd been expecting it for some time as my previous employer struggled to find work to keep the folks in our office gainfully employed. In the end, they piled everyone onto what I will refer to as "The Big Project", hoping we could salvage what was turning out to be an unsolvable problem. No matter what we did, the client was not happy with the work. The problem was not in Houston, the problem was overseas, at the client site, where the team there refused to take a stand.

So after we designed the system and built outlines of what was needed, they terminate our contract. We've done all the grunt work. Any junior engineer who can read can take what developed and finish it out. I fact I wouldn't be surprised if they hired some of the ex-pats that were supposed to have our backs to finish the project.

Water under the bridge now. Onward and upward. Only time will tell if I find a job or go into an early retirement. I'd like to work through 2018 if I could.

You can help. Buy my books. Read my stories. Tell your friends about them.

And as always,

Thanks for reading!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...