Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Dragons Roar into 2018...

Well, so far 2018 has become an interesting year. Being unemployed I suddenly find myself with more time to write. Which is fortunate, because I have discovered some problems in my writing.

I finished Dragon Betrayal and have posted it to the appropriate sites. In the meantime, I’ve been performing a detailed edit of Dragon Hunter and Dragon Heart and Dragon Betrayal to fix some troubling problems with the online versions. Reviewing copies I found chunks missing. Not sure if you have a copy that appears to have parts missing, please let me know. I’ll send you a corrected copy. 

I’m still hunting for a job, but I’m not having much luck. I’ll keep searching for now. I’d really like to find some work for a couple of more years in order to make a smoother transition to retirement. The more I read the job descriptions, the more I realize my profession has changed dramatically, while I languished at my last employer developing paper manuals. Everything is going online, which I think is great. Nevertheless, I've been left behind by the technology. And I don't think I can catch up. Nor am I sure that I want to.

What I want to do is write. So that is what I'll do. Not only the stories of the DragonHawk Saga, but other stories as well. I have two young grandchildren now. I'd like to write some stories for them. I really need to finish Hurricane Cats and share that with everyone. If you've been reading this blog for any time, you may have seen some of the excerpts. If you haven't, you can scroll down and read them.

But right now, I need to get back to the DragonHawk Saga and finish editing Dragon Betrayal. I've got a lot of ideas for Dragon Revenge. A lot of battles and a sea change in the Star Trader Galaxy. So back to work.

And as always, thanks for reading!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...