Friday, August 13, 2010

The Campaign Against And, But and That

When I am in writing mode, just trying to get my thoughts out of my head and onto the screen, I have a tendency to abuse the words "and", "but", and "that".

So I aw rewriting Tycho Station in the "Campaign Against And, But and That".

There's a lot of extra words between those ands, buts, and thats. Some of them are useful, most of them are extraneous. So I am cleaning them up as well. Rewriting passages to make them more descriptive with fewer words.

Simplifying descriptions, making them more descriptive. (I hope)

Tonight so far, I have deleted 1, 545 words and five more pages!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Behind the Scenes in the DragonHawk Saga

Hello faithful readers,

I have worked my way through the first eight chapters of Tycho Station. So far I have cut 1 whole chapter, 16 pages and over 4400 words from the story. The goal is to make it read better, more active and less passive. I feel pretty good about the results so far.

Meanwhile, the story I started for the 2010 Challenge, Dragon's Revenge, did not survive. I have cut it up into pieces and merged it into Dragon Summer. I hope to streamline Dragon Summer, removing a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with the main story.

I feel good about all the changes. I think I am bringing the main storyline into better focus. After I finish the edit on Tycho Station, I will go back to Dragon Summer and finish it up. Then I need to get Dragon Hunters, the first story, properly written.

Thanks for reading!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...