Saturday, October 20, 2018

A Couple of Good Ideas

This week, I had a couple of good ideas this weeks. I can’t tell you about them, because that will give away the story. But trust me, they’re good ideas!

If you’ve read Deagon Hunter, Deagon Hwaet.and Dragon Betrayal, then Dragon Revenge will make you say: “Hie did whaf?” She did what?” “They did what?”

Wait a minute! You say you haven’t read the books of the DragonHawk Saga? Why not? Best adventure you can have for under five bucks. And soon I’ll be starting my Holiday 99 cent special. A great deal if you are traveling and are looking for a cheap resd. And one of these days they’ll be classics! And you’ll be able to say that you read them fIrst! And if you send me an email I’ll make sure you get an invitation to the movie premiere!

Here’s a couple of spoiler alerts. Bane Sollarhas stopped being such a good guy. Varla Riss finally breaks away from Deemans and Minn. Another war interrupts alll thefinger pointing and bickering. 

If you don’t understand any of these statements, then you need to read the books! And, as always,

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Another Week of Dragons

Hello fans of the DragonHawk Saga!

I hope you had a successful week of fighting your own dragons. Prayers to all of you were in the way of Hurricane Michael. What a devastating storm that thing was! The Panhandle of Florida has been changed forever. I’ve been through a few hurricanes, bit nothing like that!

Last night we've seen massive rain and raging rivers in the Hill Country of Texas. Normally placid rivers have been running wild, flooding many roads and low river crossings and taking out at least one major bridge on highway 2100. There's been a lot of development along the river, so there's a lot nice houses and little towns that have flooding.

It's crazy, but everyone's claiming it's climate change. I believe the climate of the planet is changing, but I don't think man has anything to do with it. The Earth is an eight billion year old machine that has it's own timetable and it's own plan. I believe we should do everything we can to be good conservators, but the solutions offered by supporters of climate change involve the American people giving up their way of life and all their money. In the meantime, we've cleaned up our act and lead the world in environmental science and technology. The supporters have turned this into a global political war against America. You'll have to pardon me if I don't trust them.

Meanwhile, back at the DragonHawk Saga, I have Dragon Revenge pretty much lined out, as far as the story line goes. I've worked out all the kinks and all the turns and twists. Now I have to add flesh to the bones.

I'm going to be away from the computer for a while. Cindy and I are going out of town for a while. We'll be back and forth, actually, until the week of November 12th. Then I'm going into Methodist Hospital in Houston for a temporary shunt install and some testing. The purpose of this 3-4 day trip is to determine if a permanent shunt will be effective. If it works, then I'll probably have a permanent shunt installed. So as much as I'd like to hide in my study and write, that is going to be interrupted from time to time. So keep me in your prayers as I sort through all of this medical stuff. And as always,

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Week of Thinking and of Writing

This week has been a bust when it comes to writing. The first part of the week was spent agonizing about the structure of Dragon Revenge. I’ve invented a bunch of characters and story lines that don’t apply to the main storyline. So I cut them out. 

At least partly. One of the sub plots I have started, I have to keep, because it’s linked to Dragon Betrayal. And it’s also linked to Bane Sollar and a future plot. And that’s what I realized was wrong. Dragon Revenge needs to be centered around Bane Sollar and his search for revenge.
Meanwhile Cindy and I had to go to our son’s house in the Austin area to help with sick grandkids.  I’ll be home next week so hopefully I’ll get to make some progress on Dragon Revenge. Between all the doctor appointments, that is. Going to be a busy week. A bunch of tests to take. 

So, until next week...

Thanks for reading!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...