Thursday, January 31, 2013

Details! Details! Details!
I think I'm choking the story with too many details. I'll have to look at that and see what I can see!

Thanks for reading,


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A good restart...

Last night was a good start... or I guess I should say restart on repairs to Dragon Hunters. I rewrote the prologue last night in about two hours and I am happy with the results. So tonight I'll continue on, see how far I can get.

Some of the people following my work will say: "Dude, you keep rewriting!"

Yeah, I know. It's a bad habit of mine. I'm working through it... so to speak...

Thanks for reading!

"Being a writer is like having homework every night for the rest of your life." - Lawrence Kasden

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Not necessarily a step backwards...

Last night I followed through with my plan and deleted the two parts of Dragon Hunters and reverted back to the full version before the split. I didn't lose anything, I copied the good parts from Part 1 into the main before deleting the parts.

Anyway, so no harm, no foul. Some progress lost, but not really. I just have to get my head straightened out and get back on course.

That's all for now.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, January 28, 2013

So much for that idea...

How's it go?

The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray...

I had hoped to get some serious writing done over the weekend. That didn't work out quite like I hoped it would.

I hit a big block this weekend and just kept going over the same chapter over and over again. The end result was a butchered chapter that kinda sorta works...

Last night I was so frustrated I was ready to dump the whole DragonHawk Saga.

I didn't do that.

Tonight I feel like deleting a bunch of chapters and start over with them. Or just do without them. What I will probably do is dump the two parts and go back to the point in Dragon Hunters where I was just before the split.

Have to factor in the Monday factor. Monday is not a good day for me to make major decisions like this. And I've thinking about this in the back of my mind all day today while I was writing about the purpose and function of various systems on an offshore oil/gas platform.

Such is life. Doing one thing when you'd really rather be doing something else.

I did find a cool graphic on Facebook today. I'll post it at the top of the page. The author is my favorite author and my inspiration for writing!

As always...

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dragon Hunters Part 1: A Gathering of Hunters

Earlier this week I broke DragonHunters into two parts:

Part 1: "A Gathering of Hunters"

Part 2: "The Battle of Conborine"

As you know, (if you have been following this blog), The DragonHawk Saga is the story of the Hawkes Family, DragonHawks and the leaders of the Tycho Star Traders, as they prepare for the fulfillment of a ten thousand season (year) old prophecy, the Return of the Great Dragon.

In Dragon Hunters, A Gathering of Hunters, the Dragon Hunters gather at the Gaanard Trade Station for the first attack against the Drakkon of Tycho. Makala Hawkes is the StarHawke Tycho, the Elder of the Tycho Star Traders and their fierce Hawkkur Legion, struggles to convince the Star Trader Council of Elders of the danger looming before the Trade. The Royal Repubics of the InWorlds are embroiled in a growing war that threatens to engulf the Trade, despite their declared neutrality. But the Families do not want to listen to the StarHawke Tycho. The war means record profits for all.

In DragonHunters, The Battle of Conborine, an ambitious construction project by the Tolen and Blom Families sets the scene for the first battle between Drakkon and Rahhol since the DragonHawk War, some ten thousand seasons ago.

It's been slow getting started, but it's been a busy week. (Two 400+ pages training guides at my day job! But that's another story!) But now it's Saturday, and after a variety of chores and tasks, it's time to get down to some serious writing.

That's just a taste of what I am working on right now. I'll try to keep you posted as I go along.

As always...

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dragon Hunters: The Next Step Towards Publishing

The Next Step Towards Publishing:

Recognizing that 150,000 words and 500+ pages is too large, unless you are Robert Jordan.

Okay, as much as I still think it would be a good story in one  piece, I recognize that I probably should start smaller. So I have broken Dragon Hunters into two parts. Part 1 is about 72,000 words while Part 2 is about 52,000. Part 1 needs a quick read through to make sure it works, but Part 2 needs some more rewrite.

So, I'll go back through Part 1 and make sure it works. Then move on to Part 2.

Almost time to go public, via the web and a search for an agent/publisher. Also time to go public by doing something that is very hard for me. Letting someone else read my work. That's going to be the really hard part. I tend to want to hang on...

Its a bad trait to have if you write for a living. But I've got to take the plunge and go for it!

Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...