Monday, November 23, 2009

Taking It Easy Tonight

Last time we visited I talked about breaking up Tycho Station into something smaller, then use the cut parts to create The Dragon Hunters. I can report that activity is going along okay, but not as fast as I would like. But with a new job and Thanksgiving approaching, I am finding it more difficult to find quality writing time.
Tonight I am working on the Development Manual and the Reference Manual. I thought that since I am reworking stories, I should review the Development Manual, which is where I write down all my ideas about the stories and develop background on characters, and make sure I have the latest ideas to work with.
I have also been going through the Reference Manual consolidating some of the entries. Seems that in my zeal to write, I have a lot of notes and information either out of place or duplicated.
My assistants, by the way. Are taking the night off. I have included a picture so you can see what they are up to.
Actually not a bad idea. I might join them myself after the football game.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Breaking up is hard to do...

I made be giving away my age by borrowing a phrase from a Neil Sedaka song. Nevertheless it describes what I am trying to do. Break parts of Tycho Station off and put them in a new story, The Dragon Hunters. The primary goal being to reduce the size of Tycho Station.
There is a lot background in Tycho Station that describes how the various characters and forces came to be, enough to spread the action between two stories. Its good practice. The original Gateway Station (about fifteen seasons after the end of Tycho Station) is three stories: Dragon Summer, Gaanard Station and Gateway Station. Those stories run parallel to Heritage, the story of the Horath War. Lots to write about...
I want to apologize for not posting sooner. I started a new job this week and have been pretty busy and kinda in a bad mood in the evening. Partially because of other factors, but mostly because I was not sure what I wanted to do with my stories. Now that I have made my decision, hopefully I can move steadily forward.
Part of my mood was the discovery that I made last weekend that the company I was discussing publishing with is under indictment in a couple of states for fraud against authors. According to what I learned, they take your story, have someone "more talented" than you and rewrite it. Then market it. I won't name the company because I don't want to get involved in any potential legal drama. So we will just add the information to the database in the Sollar Star and move on to the next planet...
With this post tonight you will see a picture of Baby Girl. She likes to sleep on the desk while I work. It's very relaxing to reach over and absently scratch her while I contemplate the Star Trader Galaxy.
I'd like to hear from you, so leave some comments!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just Who Are The Star Traders?

There are five major Star Trader Families and one major group of Independents.
The Blom and Tolen Families are primarily located on the Gaanard Trade Station, where they operate the Star Trader's premier spaceyard and space port.
The Sundai Star Traders are based out of the Sundai System. The Sundai are the Trade's agricultural and biotech experts, operating out of their Trade Station and facilities on neighboring planets.
The Muroc Star Traders are the financial and business arm of the Star Traders. From their Trade Station in the Muroc System, they provide the financial and business services the other Families need for their major projects.
The Reska Star Traders are the munitions and armaments specialists of the Trade. Their weapons are highly sought out by both Traders and NonTraders alike. Coupled with their ruthlessness and willingness to sell to any race able to pay their high prices, the Reska are considered one of the most dangerous of the Star Trader Families.
The Tycho Star Traders are the largest group of Independents in the Star Trader Galaxy. While they operate a magnificent Trade Station in the Tycho System, near the Sundais, these Independent Star Traders are scattered all across the Star Trader Galaxy. The Tycho Trade Station is the home of the legendary Hawkkur Legion, whose roots go back to the early days of the Star Folk, the ancestors of the Star Traders.
Want to know more? Leave me a comment or a question and I will respond!


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Meanwhile, back at the Trade Station...

Hi everyone!
Cindy and I made it home last night, tired but happy after covering over 1500 miles sightseeing in Arkansas. While most of the leaves had already turned brown or had been blown off at the higher altitudes, the valleys and the lower elevations still had a lot of color.
Meanwhile, back at the Trade Station...
Trade Stations are massive space stations and the homes of the major Star Trader Families and Groups. Gaanard is the largest Trade Station and is the primary home of the Tolen and Blom Star Trader Families. It is also the home of the Star Trader Council of Elders and home to the Trade Senate. The Blom and Tolen families operate two huge spaceyards out of Gaanard, where most of the Trade's starships are built. But as Gaanard is the home of the Star Trader's government and considered neutral ground, all of the major Star Trader Families and Groups have offices and facilities there. In Tycho Station, there are five major Trade Stations; Gaanard, Tycho, Epin-12, Sundai and Muroc.

Friday, November 6, 2009

On the way home...

Last night on the road. Our little jaunt through Arkansas to see the foliage, drive some coll mountain roads and eating some good food. Its been a nice relaxing week, perfect weather for driving with the top down. Nothing like climbing a steep hill in 3rd gear with the overdrive off easing through a couple of switchbacks listening to the GT's 4.6 liter growling through the dual exhausts!
Last night we stayed at the Mather Lodge at Petit Jean State Park. It is Arkansas' first state park and sits on top of Mount Petit Jean, about 1700 feet above sea level. The park was developed in the 1930s by the Civilian Conseration Corps as our country was in the grips of the Great Depression, as were many of our wonderful state and national parks. The room was rather spartan (but they had wifi!) and the bed pretty hard. But there was a roaring fire in a big stone fireplace in the main room and the view was great!
Wednesday we took a train ride from Van Burean AR to Windslow AR and back. Very relaxing ride in 1920's passenger cars just to look at the scenery on the Arkansas and Missouri Railroad. The cars had been refurbished but the hand worked African Mahogony was all original hand worked detail. Very nice! After the train ride we drov to nearby Fort Chaffee where the barbershop where Elvis Presley received his firsr Army haircut has beeb oened as a museum. As luck would have it, the volunteer guide just happened to bebthe photographer who took the famous picture of the haircut. He was very friendly and told us a great story about the event. Did you know that they brought him in at ten pm at night? To minimize the fuss. They have mananged to save the barracks where Elvis trianed and plan to restore it and expand their museum. Fort Chaffee was also the site of a German POW camp during WWII and was used for Vietnameese refugees from the end of the Vietnam War and Cuban refugees from the Marial boat lift during the Clinton administration. We also drove thru Mena AR. You should google these things if you don't know what I'm talking about. Especially Mena. (CIA, Iran Contra, guns for drugs...)
So. back to the grind next week, time to get back to work on my stories.  I have one marketing company reading Tycho Station right now, I should hear something from them next week. But they do marketing, not  publsihing, so I have to figure that out as well. I'd like to find an agent and a real publisher as opposed to the self publishing option. The scenario may be something like "We want to promote your book in our markets, but you have to get it published, e.g. you should self publish so we can do this right now...  I just don't know how it will all play out. And I still have to find a job to pay for all this. Now, if someone would just offer me a big advance...
Next week I want to share some of my DragonHawk Saga, some background and what is going on in the Star Trader Universe. I'l be anxious to read your comments.



Monday, November 2, 2009

On Vacation!

Our first attempt at a vacation was scrapped when I had to go to Canada. Our second attempt was scrapped because of the project I was wrking on. Well, guess what? Not only am I not working on a project... I'm not even working! What the heck, lets go on vacation!

We drove from Houston to Texarkana, AR today. Nice weather with the top down on the mustang cruising up Highway 59. We ate a late lunch inJefferson Texas at The Hamburer Store. Good burgers and about $7000 worth of one dollar bills plastering the walls. The bills have been signed and decorated by the doners. Not sure what the Treasury Department would think, but pretty interesting to look at.

We only have about two and a half hours worth of driving tomorrow, so we will probably drive twice that much sight seeing. I'll post some photos if we take any good ones.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tycho Station: Next Step Forward...

Saturday I received an e-mail from a book marketing company that wants to read Tycho Station. I thought about it off and on yesterday while we were attending the Wings over Houston airshow. (Blue Angels Rule!). This morning, after making some planned edits, I decided that I would go ahead and send the story to them. According to the e-mail, they should get back to me in about a week.
Cindy and I are going on a road trip next week. Just up into Arkansas to look at the fall foliage in the Ouachita National Forest. I haven't been in that part of Arkansas in a long time. I mean a really long time ago. (Don't worry Dave, I keep telling myself. You are not going anywhere near any of your relatives...)
Meanwhile, I have shifted my attention to The Dragon Hunters. I decided that there was too much background being explained in Tycho Station, so I am trying to write some of that as a separate story. But if this company likes Tycho Station, then I will have to work with them on any editing and start writing on the sequel. I guess it depends on what they have to say about the overall concept.
I guess I am being a bit cynical about the whole thing. I am not sure what this company will think of my writing abilities or my story telling abilities. Or if they think the whole thing is a waste of time. I guess I won't mind so much if they reject it. I just don't want the whole deal to turn out to be some sort of subsidy publishing gimmick.
In the meantime, got to get moving on a real website...
If you happen to read this blog, leave me some comments. I'd like to hear what you think!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...