Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rest In Peace Digger, 1992 - 2009

It has been a sad day around our house today. We woke up this morning to find that our family companion, Digger, had passed away during the night.
Digger was 17+ years old. We got him from the pound in October of 1993, right after we moved into our house. James, my youngest son, picked him out. Technically Digger was his dog, but in the end we were all Digger's Family.
He was a funny dog, a true mutt. He was solid black with a Chow body and tail and a Lab head. His front paws were turned in like a Bulldog, but we don't know if that was a trait, a birth defect, or the result of an accident.
When we first moved in, there was a four foot privacy fence along the breezeway to the garage. Digger's dog house was against that short fence and he would jump up on top like Snoopy and lay on his belly. From that position he could watch the street and bark at the mailman, the yard crews and pretty much anyone else that came by.
He loved to chase squirrels and bark at the landscape crews or anyone else who showed up in our neighborhood. In the early years, when our subdivision was building out, we had a lot of Possums that would run the length of the street on the top rail of the privacy fence. Digger loved to run up and down the fence barking and jumping at the Possums.
One day we were all sitting in the backyard. All of a sudden Digger ran to the far corner of the yard and started barking like crazy. We were all trying to figure out what he was barking at, when all of a sudden there was a snap and a cracking sound. We watched with amazement as a rotten tree, three or four houses down, suddenly fell over. Digger heard it breaking up before we actually saw anything.
Another time, he took off across the yard chasing a squirrel that ran for the far corner and jumped up on the fence. Digger jumped right behind him and got his right front paw stuck in the V-notch at the top of the fence board. He pulled the muscles in his paw. We had to keep him inside for a couple of weeks so he could rest and would not chase squirrels!
When James was learning to drive, he and I would take Digger with us on Saturday morning to ride around and practice driving. We would always go through McDonalds and get three sausage buiscuts. One for James, one for me, and one for Digger. Digger would hop down on the floorboard to eat his, then hop back up on the seat to see where we were going.
Digger had a girlfriend, Jasmine, a yellow Lab with a touch of Charpe on her head. When James would want to bathe them, he would let the tailgate of his truck down. Both dogs would hop up there, thinking they were going for a ride. James would shut the tailgate, climb in the back and give them a bath. After they had dried, he would take them for a ride around the block as a reward.
As he got older, Digger's fur turned silver in some places and brown in others. We always said he was rusting in his old age. He developed a really bad ear infection in his left ear. The doc had to knock him out and lance his ear to drain out all of the infection. After that, his left ear would never stand up again. So along with his other personality traits, he always looked at you with one ear up and one ear down.
As Digger got worse and worse this summer, we started keeping him inside. We set up a pin with some rugs and a dog pillow, and he would lay there most of the time. Eventually he would get up, but he was moving slower and slower each time. We had our Vet check him out about a week ago. He assured us that Digger was not in pain. Much as it would have hurt us , we would have put him down if he was suffering.
Cindy's Dad, Gene, loved that old dog. He used to sit out in the backyard for hours with that old dog. Now that Digger has gone, I reckon that if there is a back porch or a patio in Heaven, then Digger's out there with Gene. And Jasmine, Bailey, Goober, Sandy, and Reville. And any other mutt that's wandering around up there.
Rest in Peace old man, you have earned it many time over.
Happy New Year everyone! While you are saluting your friends and good fortune, raise your glasses to Digger, the best dog a family could ever have.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Fixing up the "Fixer Upper"

Merry Christmas!

It's officially after midnight, and so it is Christmas Day. I'm still awake, watching "Deadliest Catch" marathon on the Discovery Channel and updating the story map. I made some pretty big decisions about the time line today, as you can see on the timeline for part 2 of the Saga. Two big wars involving Star Traders and DragonHawks and an opportunity for the Star Traders to embrace their heritage as Star Folk.
Lots to write about now, but I will talk about that in the future. Be sure to come back from time to time and see where the stories go!
But time to hit the rack. (That's Navy lingo for go to bed. We call our bunks "racks" cause they are like a rack of shelves where you store your sailors for a few hours before you get them out and play with them some more.
If you are up reading this, better go to bed or Santa Clause won't come to see you!

Mele Kamikimaka!


Monday, December 21, 2009

It's turning into quite the little fixer-up-er!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Well the DragonHawk Saga is really turning into quite the little fixer-up-er! You know that term is normally used to describe a house or a car that you buy and find out there are a number of things that need to be fixed, repaired, remodeled or just ripped out and thrown away. Well, that's what happening to my stories.
The orginal goal was to reduce the size of Tycho Station, the second story in the DragonHawk Saga to something less than 800, hopefully 700 pages. Most of what I have removed has gone into the outline for the Dragon Hunters, (the first story). Other parts have gone into The Lioness and The Royal Pride. The last two are parallel story ideas that involve other main characters in the main storyline. I've made quite a bit of progress in that endeavour and have identified a lot of weak areas that I need to reinforce.
To help you keep track, I have attached a map of sorts. Tycho Station is shaded green to show that the story is complete, although I am editing it. Dragon Summer and Gateway Station are shown in blue. Both of those stories are fairly complete, although there are major changes that need to be made to both of them. The stories shown in gray have bits and pieces in them, mostly cut from Tycho Station, but also Dragon Summer and Gateway Station. All of the stories in purple have not been started, other than some notes or part of an outline about the idea.
Part 1 and Part 2 of the Saga go end to end, but would not fit on the slide, so I showed them separately. And the Part Title are correct. It will take five stories for the Great Dragon to return and three for him to do whatever he's going to do to the Star Traders. As I intimated earlier, the bottom line of four strories are what I call "parallel stories" involving major characters in the Saga. They may or may not get written, but their storylines are great places to work out details to explain how things happened.
All of these stories only cover 100 years of the 20,000 years of Star Trader/Star Folk history that I have in my reference material. Guess I better win the lottery so I can have time to write all this!
In the meantime, I will just keep chugging along.
Again, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

UFO's in the skies over Norway?

Did you see the story in the news about the strange lights over Norway on Wednesday night? By this evening the Russian Navy admitted that the lights were from a Bulava missile that malfunctioned after being launched from one of their missile subs, the Dmitry Donskoy.
(See the accompanying photos from the web).

I'm not convinced myself. It looks an awful lot like the spiral search pattern of a Tycho Mark Seven Trans-System recon probe. Star Traders like to sit out at the edge of star system near the Transition Point and launch one or more of these probes in to scope out the situation. It could be that the probe detected the submarine missile launch and corkscrewed in for a closer look.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it...

I haven't posted in a while because I haven't been working on the books lately. Kind of got into a bit of a funk over the mess that I have made of Tycho Station and decided to take a breather. I've been doing some behind the scenes work here and there, making notes in my "Star Trader Development Manual". Its a document that I created to keep track of the story outlines, chapter descriptions and notes on all of the changes that I have made. I also write up all of the ideas I get and any background information that occurs to me.

As always thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed my take on the news tonight! Talk to you again soon!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...