Saturday, May 11, 2019

It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga!

It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I was experiencing writing Dragon Revenge. The problem is that most of those resolutions only exist in my head. But that's okay, they're safe there until I get a chance to translate them to brilliant descriptions of love, adventure, and galactic warfare.

That chance is dwindling rapidly. I have a busy week of doctor appointments this coming week in preparation for the surgery on the 22nd to scrape the cancer from the lining of my left pleural cavity and remove it. Then they will remove part of the diaphragm which was damaged by the cancer, and rebuild it. 7-8 hours of surgery and then three to four weeks of recovery in the hospital. So about the second week of June I should be back online. Provided I'm strong enough to sit at the desk and write.

I apologize for sounding so morbid, but that's the way  the world looks from here right now.

(Saturday Morning, about 6 AM)

I've been up since 4:30 AM, napping in my chair and writing. Rewriting really. My attitude is a little better today. One of those "it is what it is" kinda things. I guess I'll just push on and do what I can. Let the rest of it take care of itself.

Meanwhile, thanks for reading.


Sunday, April 28, 2019

It's Sunday Morning and I'm Staring at the Screens

Good Morning,

It's Sunday Morning and I'm staring at the screens, trying to figure out what to write. I rushed my Tychos into a battle. Now I'm trying to figure out how to extract them. What was the goal of mission? Why did they lash out and strike this planet? Who's next? And what's going to happen when the rest of the Star Trader Galaxy finds out what they are up to.

On the cancer front, the docs have stopped the chemo for now. The chemo was attacking my kidneys. At the same time it was not being as effective as they thought. So I'm struggling to build up my strength, immunity and all that for May 22, when I will have surgery to scrape and remove my left pleural lining and rebuild part of my diaphragm. It's a six hour surgery and I'll probably be in the hospital for a couple of weeks to recover. And I'll have a wicked scar along my left side.

I wonder how much weight I'll lose during this process. Twenty pounds or so would be nice.

Meanwhile, I think I've figured out what to do. May have to do a bit of editing and rewriting.

So, as always, thanks for reading!


Friday, April 12, 2019

Fighting Cancer: Mesothelioma

I just finished my second round of Chemo for the Mesothelioma. It wasn't as bad as the first one, but it has tired me out. And thus slowed down my writing.

Hah, I've been sitting here looking at the same page all day!

In the meantime, my quest to step up the pace and write in more action and increase the tension between the Tychos is going pretty good.. The Tychos have discovered where some of their enemies have been hiding and are starting to take action.

There's more stuff going on, but I don't want to give up too much. The Horath have started their rampage across the Star Trader Galaxy and it's about to blow things up. The question is whether or not the Tychos will join with the Trade in an alliance with the Inner Worlds and the Outer Worlds, now that they know who the enemies are.

Then there's that old saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer...  Maybe being in an alliance would help the Tychos.

Now all I have to do is weave all that together. I've got a couple of weeks before my next chemo. Hopefully I can make some progress. In the meantime,

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Uh-oh, I think I deleted something!

Uh-oh, I think I deleted something!

My fat fingers fumbling over the keyboard deleted an important update some of you may have read about a Rev B to Dragon Revenge. About a month ago, I decided I didn't like the way Dragon Revenge was going. The story was getting away from the main characters, specifically Bane Sollar, Varla Riss, and Oishi Noburo. I deleted some sections and started re-writing others. The rewrite was going pretty well. Then I found out I have cancer.

I have mesothelioma in the pleural cavity of my left lung. I've had the first chemo treatment and am home, resting and preparing for the next treatment in a couple of weeks. I have plenty of time to write now, but most of the time I'm just too tired. I have another chemo treatment coming up. And if the doctors are satisfied with that, I'll have a big surgery to scrape the lining of the pleural cavity and remove it.                                               

Meanwhile, the work on Dragon Revenge and the DragonHawk Saga. I'll keep writing as much as I can. And I need you, to keep reading.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, February 1, 2019

Dragon Revenge

Bane Sollar returns to the ruins of the Tycho Trade Station where the Tycho Star Traders are has began to grim task of salvaging what is left. It quickly becomes evident to Sollar and the survivors that their enemy clearly did not understand the people of Tycho. While the once magnificent trade station is in ruins, the rest of the Family's extensive holdings in the Tycho System are undamaged. The magnificent spaceyard is basically intact, as are many of the manufacturing facilities. The Hawkkur Legion is virtually unscathed, with the exception of the cadre that was onboard the trade station pulling security. The Hawkkur Fleet is intact, ready to exact revenge on the enemies of the Tycho Star Traders.

There is some tension between the new leaders of the Family and Sollar when he first returns, until he makes it abundantly clear he has no intention of interfering with their work. His intention is to keep doing what he had done for many seasons, first for Makala and then Elias. Roaming the Star Trader Galaxy in search of the enemies of the Tycho Star Trader. He's determined to maintain a low profile. No one must know that Morgan is alive and well, living in secrecy with his grandparents, as they prepare for the inevitable... The Return of the Great Dragon!

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, January 6, 2019

What is the DragonHawk Saga?

Hi there DragonHawk Fans!

Welcome to the first week of 2019! More accurately, it's the end of the first week of 2019.

I often get asked about the DragonHawk Saga. More specifically, what is it all about? While making a post on the DragonHawk Saga Facebook Page, I came up with this little description:

"The DragonHawk Saga consists of ten books telling the story of the Hawkes Family and the Tycho Star Traders over three generations of legend, prophecy, and love. Check you favorite ebook store for Dragon Hunter, Dragon Heart, and Dragon Betrayal, the first three books of the DragonHawk Saga."

I kinda like that, so I guess I'll add it to the website and the blog somewhere. I'll have to copy it to my iPhone so I have half a chance of remembering it.

I could use it as a description for a book jacket. I should probably rewrite it so it has more action in it, if I'm going to do that.

Right now I'm working on Chapter 16, titled "Reska" for now. It's a big chapter about an attack on the Reska Trade Station. Not by the Tychos, but rather by a new enemy that has entered the story, threatening the entire Star Trader Galaxy. That's all I'm going to say about them. You'll have to read the Saga to find out what is going on!

On the Parkinson's front, we're kinda in a holding pattern right now. I saw a new Neurologist, who doesn't think I need to rush into surgery for a VP Shunt. He's consulting with the other doctors to discuss my case. Hopefully they'll make up their minds in a couple of days.

In the meantime...

Thanks for reading!


It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...