Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Back! To the Future... or is it Back to the Past!

Well, I am stalled out again, in my quest to document the DragonHawk Saga. With the hope of stirring the creative juices, I decided to explore my collection of chapter parts, old manual versions, and old versions of stories.

All told I have:
  • 679,819 words and 2,613 pages of current version stories
  • 68,199 words and 267 pages of current version manuals
  • 134,612 words and 491 pages of chapter parts
  • 3,403,991 words and 12,615 pages of old story versions
  • 355,533 words and 1.082 pages of old manul versions
That's a total of 4,642,154 words and 17,068 pages of stuff!

While I was digging through this history of my writing, I came across the original version of Gateway Station, the original story that started my on my quest. I thought I would read through it and see how far I have strayed from my original idea.

At the same time, I updated the template and will make any grammar or composition errors I find. I tend to use the word "that" too much. In the original 1180 pages of the story (327,987 words), I have used the word "that" 3537 times!

So, I'm going back through Gateway Station, going back to the future to see if I get things back on track. Maybe I'll convert it to an E-book and see what happens.

Now, where did that flux capacitor go? Anyone know where I can get some plutonium?

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Flowers in Space?

Writing about flowers today. Flowers on the counter of a small tea shop in the Entertainment District of Gaanard:

They decided to visit the Bottomless Kupp a frilly, girly tea and coffee shop that was a favorite of their’s to talk about the events of the day. The “Kupp” was located on one of the quiet side passages of the Entertainment District, away from the noisy Main Corridor. The décor was decidedly feminine, pastel colors and lots of flowers when they could get them from the Sundai Market. Today there were a few flowers here and there, except for a large display of strange, exotic flowers from Trann’s Planet. The shop owners and them predominantly displayed on the counter with a black ribbon around the bowl.
“Oh look!” Liesell exclaimed, pointing out the display which featured fragrent tulip shaped flowers in bright primary colors arranged around the edges of the bowl. The center was filled with greenery that featured strangely shaped bright green and black leaves, and a couple of large, round yellow blooms on long stems that faced straight up. Some thin, light purple vines with tiny, dark purple flowers wrapped around the entire display. As they watched, they realized the two large yellow blooms were swaying back and forth on their long stalks, while the light purple vineds slithered slowly around perimeter of the bowl.
“Oh, wow!” Katia murmured. “It’s a live display!” The girls watched the display with fascination while their order was prepared. The bowl of flowers seemed to come alive at the sound of Katia’s voice. The two large yellow flowers slowly danced back and forth, swaying and wrapping around each other, while the vines sped up and began to chase each other dodging among the brightly colored tulip-like flowers, their stems vibrating excitedly.
“They like to show off,” The owner said with a chuckle as she placed their order on the counter.
"Can they hear me?” Katia asked, wide eyed with amazement as she reached out to touch one of the vines. Abruptly the end of the vine popped up out of the greenery, twisting back and forth as if it was moving around. Then suddenly it dove back into the greenery and resumed the chase with the others.\
“I don’t know if they can hear, or if they just sense the vibrations of someone close by.”
“How long with they live in the bowl?” Liesell asked, reaching over to touch one of the brightly colored flowers near the edge. At her touch it froze in place for a few seconds and then began shivering excitedly.
“Oh, I’ll have them for a few more day shifts,” The owner explained. “Then the Sundai will come and return them to the greenhouse where they will be returned to be with the rest of the Trann foliage. I don’t know how long they actually live.”

A good day today. I've almost written an entire replacement chapter for Dragon Hunters. Hope you enjoyed the excerpt!
Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 8, 2012

More About Rabbit Holes

I fell down a rabbit hole the other day. Just now climbing out of it after two days of writing some stuff that has nothing to do with the DragonHawk Saga.

I won't tell you what I wrote about because my rabbit holes are private.

There's a training rabbit hole close by that I discovered about 4:30 PM this afternoon at work. Fortunately I was able to avoid it until 5 pm when I left for the weekend. Don't know if I will be able to avoid it all weekend. With a little effort, this hole could be pretty deep.

What are rabbit holes?

Oh, you know, those random thoughts that sometimes fall in your path. Sometimes they blow by like a leaf. Other times they dart past like a squirrel jumping from one limb to another.

Some times they fall in your path - like a rabbit hole! Move over Alice! Here I come!

What about the training rabbit hole I dodged?

I'm an Instructional System Designer. I try to design instructional systems that will enable my clients to train their workers. I don't do Organizational Development, Coaching or Manager Training. The most important people in the organization are the people that get the work done. Their training is often ignored unless the government is mandating it.

I digress.

Well, today I fell in a rabbit hole and found this really great design for a training system that will help my client. I just hope I can stay out of that rabbit hole until Monday. Otherwise Elias and Annie will never take that walk after dinner on the Tycho Pride and start to fall in love with each other.

And if they don't fall in love, they won't get married.

And if they don't fall in love, they can't have three kids, Kian, Lian, and Morgan.

And if Morgan is not born... Well, then the Great Dragon may never return!

Thanks for reading!

Rabbit Holes. Wow! This rabbit hole is deep! 23 pages in two days!

It's all in my head!

Hi there friends and readers of the DragonHawk Saga! It's Friday and I am happy to report I have resolved some of the major problems I...