Monday, December 21, 2009

It's turning into quite the little fixer-up-er!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Well the DragonHawk Saga is really turning into quite the little fixer-up-er! You know that term is normally used to describe a house or a car that you buy and find out there are a number of things that need to be fixed, repaired, remodeled or just ripped out and thrown away. Well, that's what happening to my stories.
The orginal goal was to reduce the size of Tycho Station, the second story in the DragonHawk Saga to something less than 800, hopefully 700 pages. Most of what I have removed has gone into the outline for the Dragon Hunters, (the first story). Other parts have gone into The Lioness and The Royal Pride. The last two are parallel story ideas that involve other main characters in the main storyline. I've made quite a bit of progress in that endeavour and have identified a lot of weak areas that I need to reinforce.
To help you keep track, I have attached a map of sorts. Tycho Station is shaded green to show that the story is complete, although I am editing it. Dragon Summer and Gateway Station are shown in blue. Both of those stories are fairly complete, although there are major changes that need to be made to both of them. The stories shown in gray have bits and pieces in them, mostly cut from Tycho Station, but also Dragon Summer and Gateway Station. All of the stories in purple have not been started, other than some notes or part of an outline about the idea.
Part 1 and Part 2 of the Saga go end to end, but would not fit on the slide, so I showed them separately. And the Part Title are correct. It will take five stories for the Great Dragon to return and three for him to do whatever he's going to do to the Star Traders. As I intimated earlier, the bottom line of four strories are what I call "parallel stories" involving major characters in the Saga. They may or may not get written, but their storylines are great places to work out details to explain how things happened.
All of these stories only cover 100 years of the 20,000 years of Star Trader/Star Folk history that I have in my reference material. Guess I better win the lottery so I can have time to write all this!
In the meantime, I will just keep chugging along.
Again, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!


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It's all in my head!

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