Monday, October 8, 2012

Okay, so what about Gateway Station?

So, if you've been following my meandering posts, you know that I have been talking about the ten stories that comprise the DragonHawk Saga. And if you look to the right, you will see the names of those stories. But no where on that list is a story named Gateway Station.

So where did that come from?

Gateway Station is the origin of the DragonHawk Saga. It started as an idea back in the late 70s, morphed into a few other ideas, cruised along in the back of mind for a while, until bits and piece started flowing... well, maybe dribbling... onto the paper. When I decided I was finish, there were 1159 pages and 328,000 or so, words!

Anyone want to read a really long story with lots of action? Along with some quirky twists and turns...

Meanwhile back at the ranch, if I want to try and publish this monster, I need to give it a haircut and put it on a diet... Come up with something in the 80K to 100K range...

Anyway, maybe I'll post some stuff on the blog about Gateway Station.

Oh, by the way. It starts at the end of Dragon Betrayal, jumps to Dragon Summer and runs through Dragon Return, Dragon Trap, and Dragon Rising.. So, its right up there in the middle somewhere.

No wonder its so damn big!

Thanks for Reading!


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